Torcon 3 - 8
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The masquerade photos are a little poor this year. I spent the evening
sat up with the local press. I got a good view, but all of the photos
are taken using the stage lighting (no flash) and at maximum zoom. Also
I had Mike Glyer's head in front of me, and the darn contestants would
mostly not stay still.
and Gimli go shopping at the Gap of Rohan (J. Lyn Sigurdson and Jake Witucki).
Winner of Best in Class Workmanship, Novice.
Regina" (Evelyn Baker).
Wildlife Adventure" - this particular species proved too much for
even the bravest Australian TV presenter (Chris Kramer). Winner of Best
in Show, Workmanship.
Queen of Narnia" (J.J. Sobey). A nice touch was using an extract
from the audio book as the voiceover.
Romantic Interlude". The captain relaxes on the holodeck, hoping
that the Borg don't turn up too quickly (the captain is, of course, the
one in pink). (Amanda Allen and Thomas Atkinson)
Torcon 3" (Shona Sneddon) had a superhro costume under her Canadian
flag dress.
"Trumps of Amber" assemble. Winner of Best Workmanship, Master
and Best in Show.
From left to right, Arabella Davis as Flora, John Blaker as Benedict,
Elaine Mami as Llewella, Kate Morgenstern as Deirdre and Chris O'Halloran
as a Liegeperson
of the Trumps: Julie Zetterberg-Sardo as a Liegeperson, Sandy Pettinger
as Fiona, Andy Trembley as Julian, John O'Halloran as Gerard, Les Roth
as Bleys and Pierre Pettinger as Cain
Crown is awarded. Kevin Roche as Random, Sandy Pettinger as Fiona and
Andy Trembley as Julian.
More Torcon III Photos