FinnCon: The Fan Gallery
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Toni Jerrman - Editor of Tähtivaeltaja and Guest of Honor at Finncon '04.
Johanna Vainikainen and Markku Uusitalo, founding members of the Finnish Tolkien Society and of its fanzine, Legolas.
Jyrki Ijäs, one of the founders of Finncon.
Jussi Vainikainen - Editor of Alienisti, the fanzine of the Jyväskylä SF Society. Also the founder of the Finnish Science Fiction Resources web site.
Anne Leinonen - Chair of the Finnish Science Fiction Writers Association and an award-winning writer.
Vesa Sisättö, chairman of the Helsinki Science Fiction Society and author of several books about SF.
Not Legolas, Mika Pohjola.
Irma Hirsjärvi - Winner of the 2004 Nordic Fan Fund, chair of Finncon '04 and all round wonderful person.
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