FinnCon: The Fan Gallery
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The Next Generation - Mari-Pilvi Junikka and Senja Hirsjärvi. (Photo by Esa Virtanen)
The Next Generation - Tuomas Blom as Zapp Brannigan from Futurama. (Photo by Esa Virtanen)
Petri Hiltunen, a cartoonist from Helsinki and husband of costumer, Hannele Parviala. (Photo by Marko Mahnala)
Raimo Nikkonen - the editor of Portti. (Photo by Marko Mahnala)
Pekka Supinen - the editor of Finnzine. (Photo by Marko Mahnala)
Kimmo Isokoski - one of the founders of the Jyväskylä Science Fiction Society, a noted fan artist and creator of the superb art on the Finncon '04 web site and program book. (Photo by Marko Mahnala)