Out of Synch
By Cheryl Morgan
March is a good month for British books being released in the US. We begin with Pyr’s edition of Ian McDonald’s River of Gods, which was one of my favorite books from last year. It won the BSFA Awards and was a Hugo nominee despite not having US publication. Any US reader who hasn’t already bought the book on import should be going out and buying this book. Here’s hoping Pyr give it a huge push.
Also due up from Pyr is the third and final volume of John Meaney’s Nulapeiron series, Resolution. Anyone who has been waiting for the whole series to be available can now go out and get them.
Finally from the UK we have Night Shade’s edition of Tricia Sullivan’s Maul. This is another book I nominated for a Hugo on its UK publication. In 2004 it made the short lists for the Clarke, BSFA and Tiptree Awards. I hope to see large piles of it on the dealer tables at Wiscon, because anyone who is a Wiscon regular ought to read this book.
I note also that the paperback edition of Robert Charles Wilson’s Spin has recently been released in the US. Those of you looking for another really good SF book to add to Accelerando on your Hugo ballot might want to go and buy this book in a hurry.