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Mark Plummer expounds upon the many virtues of Colin Odell.
That's so cool - Darren Nash is delighted to accept Jon Courtenay Grimwood's BSFA Award plaque from Richard Morgan.
Taking the Tram - Vehicles of all shapes and sizes run up and down the promenade.
Fish and Chips - Rog Peyton finds us an authentic Blackpool tradition, the best meal of the weekend.
Food fear - Am I really greedy enough to eat the "Moby Dick" haddock? (photo by Paul Oldroyd)
More Trams - OK, I admit it, I took this photo for Kevin, not you guys.
Tower in the mist - For most of the weekend this is all that we could see of Blackpool's most famous landmark.
Where it was at - This is Blackpool's Winter Gardens.
Mine, all mine - Hugo nominees fight over a spare trophy. The back row from the left is Jeffrey Ford, Jim Burns, Mark Roberts and John Clute. Kneeling opposite me is Charlie Stross. (Photo by Dave Stewart)