FinnCon: The Convention
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Ready to go - Gwyneth and Robin get set to talk to Finnish academics.
Eager Students - Looks like a lot of young women in Finland want to study SF.
Before the Flood - Dealers prepare their tables before the doors open.
Dance Away - Yes, that dance game has got as far as Finland.
Art Show - There was little art on display. These pictures are all by Kimmo Isokoski, who also did the program book cover. There was a separate display of art by Yoshitoshi ABe elsewhere in the building but I never found it.
The room in which the major presentations look place was pleasantly roomy and comfortable (not to mention well supplied with tech).
Ranma on Sale - Popular anime/manga series were a mainstay of the dealers' room.
Finnish Fanzines - Copies of Alienisti, the zine of the Jyväskylä SF Society, and Legolas, the zine of the Finnish Tolkien Society.
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