Fantasycon 2003
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Dot Lumley and Steve Jones celebrate Steve's fourth 50th birthday party.
Paul McAuley and Dave Howe at the Telos book launch.
Graham Joyce on the joys of receiving a World Fantasy Award.
Pete Crowther is casual with Cthulhu.
Ramsey Campbell is triumphant.
It isn't easy making a speech when you have a Great Old One lurking behind you. (Photo by Peter Coleborn of Alchemy Press.)
The winners. In the back row: Graham Joyce with his World Fantasy Award, me (for China Miéville), Ramsey Campbell, Pete Crowther (for PS Publishing and Mark Chadbourn). Front row: Steve Jones, Les Edwards (aka Edward Miller) and Debbie Bennet (for Alan Garner). (Photo by Peter Coleborn of Alchemy Press.)
Creepy! This is what you get if you win a British Fantasy Award.