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Issue #125 - January 2006

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Editorial Matters

By Cheryl Morgan

First up, huge thanks to Jeff VanderMeer for the feature article. Here’s hoping you found it interesting.

Only one person commented on the web site change from an "all one page" format to "one article per page", and he was undecided. So unless several people yell at me over the next week or two I shall drop the "all one page" version entirely.

Not that it had quite the desired effect. Please excuse a small excursion into web site neepery. As you will recall, one of the objectives was to up the number of "page views" that Emerald City gets. And indeed with one page per article readers of the web site do look at a lot more pages. But, because the site content is generated dynamically rather than each page being a separate file, the web site stats still treat each issue as a single page. Which I guess shows just how stupid the whole "page views" idea is.

Not a lot is happening to me personally in February, but I’m pleased to note that I have got enough paying work in to allow me to go to ICFA in March. 2006 is starting to look up, finance wise.

As usual I have a huge number of books lined up for me to read. Those at the top of the pile include novels by Daniel Abraham, Tim Pratt, David Marusek, Trudi Canavan, Neal Asher and Tom Arden. There’s a Lou Anders anthology, and a collection by Theodora Goss. I also have a book of essays by Samuel Delany. Better get reading, hadn’t I?

Of, and we’ll have a feature article by Gary K. Wolfe. Am I happy or what?

Best wishes,


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Emerald City - copyright Cheryl Morgan - cheryl@emcit.com
Masthead Art copyright Steven Stahlberg (left) and Gerhard Hoeberth (right)
Additional artwork by Frank Wu & Sue Mason
Designed by Tony Geer
Copyright of individual articles remains with their authors
Editorial assistants: Anne K.G. Murphy & Kevin Standlee